How Long to Install Stone Benchtops? Depends on What You Want …

At Lobo Stone Benchtops, the prices we offer are highly competitive, and the quality is absolutely second to none.

In order to deliver the highest quality, we don’t rely on templates to do fabrication off-site as do many other companies. You see, templates are subject to distortion which can result in a less than perfect fit.

To avoid off-site fabrication we use Naturastone, a premier Australian manufactured quartz stone product. Naturastone is more flexible and easily workable than standard 20mm thick stone slabs. This means that we’re able to shape complete stone slabs on site.

Fabricating on site allows us to scribe the stone extremely accurately to walls, tiles, columns and other irregular surfaces. We’re also able to provide virtually invisible joins between separate pieces of stone. The result is a perfect fit of the highest quality. However the downside is that this approach can take a day or two longer.

Companies that offer same-day installation will arrive, make templates, do the fabrication in the factory and then come back to install. Yes, the installation may take only a single day, but this process means there is simply no way to rectify any inaccuracy.

Before going this route ask yourself if you’re prepared to accept a potentially lower quality fit. Remember that you will be looking at and working with your new benchtops for several years. A day or two extra up front should not be your major concern.

Still not convinced? Take a look at some examples of poor fit.

Isn’t it worth getting the best?

Quartz benchtop accurately scribed

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